vaccine injury
By News Editors
Vaccine injury, from all vaccines, is far more widespread than people realise
Dr. Larry Palevsky is an American paediatrician who runs the Northport Wellness Centre. On 19 February 2020, he gave testimony to the Connecticut Public Health Committee Public Hearing. (Article by Rhoda Wilson republished from You can read the transcript for the full Public Health Committee hearing held on 19 February 2020 HERE and we have embedded a video […]
By Ethan Huff
HPV vaccines are loaded with toxic ingredients, including an “upgraded” version of ALUMINUM
One of the reasons why human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines like Gardasil (Merck & Co.) are so dangerous and deadly has to do with an “upgraded” version of a toxin they contain, the harms of which have been covered up by unethical studies for the past 90 years. That “upgraded” ingredient is aluminum, and its serious […]
By S.D. Wells
Why is it so important to disclose “lead-based paint” when selling a home built before 1978, but it’s fine to inject babies and pregnant women with mercury-laced vaccines?
Most natural health advocates are aware that heavy metal toxins, like arsenic, lead, aluminum, and mercury, can cause a whole host of health problems. Consumers who do not pay attention to this end up eating, drinking, inhaling, and even having heavy metal toxins injected into their body, and the consequences can be quite debilitating. Most […]
By Ethan Huff
Research into aluminum toxicity KILLED because it exposed the dangers of childhood vaccines
Many, if not most, major scientific institutions have been captured by private interests pushing a special interest agenda, including vaccine research and the study of vaccine adjuvants such as aluminum. Prof. Christopher Exley conducted extensive research in aluminum’s toxicity at Keele University in the United Kingdom, only to have his research funding stripped at the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Studies show that COVID vaccines cause BLOOD DAMAGE
The theory of immunization has been thoroughly debunked for the new COVID mRNA vaccines. The process of bypassing the innate immune system with lipid nano-particles and the subsequent encoding and transcribing of spike proteins has proven to be toxic, inflammatory, damaging to the blood and destructive to the overall function of the cardiovascular system and […]
By S.D. Wells
Why wasn’t mercury used in COVID vaccines if it’s so effective in “emergency situations” according to the “Vaccine Mom” on YouTube? (op-ed)
(Op-ed) The CDC claims they use thimerosal, which is commonly 50 percent mercury, in multi-dose vaccine vials to reduce bacterial contamination, especially for emergency use during an epidemic or pandemic. So why don’t they need it now in the Covid clot shots? What is the Vaccine Industrial Complex (VIC) afraid of? The following short video […]
By Cassie B.
Aluminum is far from harmless – here’s how to reduce your exposure
Aluminum doesn’t sound all that dangerous. We see it everywhere in our daily lives: we buy food in aluminum cans, we wrap our vegetables in aluminum foil and grill them, and many of us even unwittingly bake with it. The word aluminum certainly doesn’t strike fear into us the way metals like mercury and lead […]
By JD Heyes
Heavy metals scientist challenges vaccine promoters to drink mercury to prove it’s safe to inject into children
There is a chemical assault being waged against the children of America, yet far too many parents, lawmakers and policymakers don’t see a thing at all wrong with it: The poisoning of our kids through the use of a mercury-laced substance in vaccines. That substance is thimerosal, and it is proven to be neurologically toxic […]
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