News & Articles By Vicki Batts
By Vicki Batts
Hudson River polluted by 100,000 gallons of raw sewage, baby wipes float down the river
The Hudson River is primarily located in the state of New York, where it stretches for hundreds of miles before breaking off into New Jersey. Industrial pollution, and the dumping of sewage and other wastes, has been a chronic problem for the river. Despite state and local governments’ attempts at keeping the water clean, it […]
By Vicki Batts
VACCINE STUDY: Peer-reviewed study shows vaccinated children have a 700% higher chance of neurodevelopmental disorder
On Valentine’s Day, a 34-page study that illustrated some of the harmful effects of vaccination was made available for viewing online. Six hours later, the URL had vanished, and the study was seemingly erased from the depths of the internet — likely in the hopes that the “controversial” information it contained would be forgotten. Vaccination […]
By Vicki Batts
Dozens of popular vaccines found to be contaminated with unexplained particles containing toxic heavy metals
The HPV vaccines Gardasil and Ceravix have been heavily scrutinized for their deleterious effects on young women around the globe — and the suggested age for receiving these vaccinations just keeps getting younger. Last year, in the beginning of 2016, the America College of Pediatricians (ACP) released a statement that detailed a host of concerns over […]
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